Jack is another first time pass with the IOWDA

Jack is another first time pass with the IOWDA CONGRATULATIONS to Jack Stamp on passing his driving test at his 1st attempt with only 2 driving faults on the 29th October 2018. Well Done Jack, this was a great drive today and very well deserved. You showed a high...

Ben passes 1st Time with our Academy

Ben passes 1st Time with our Academy on the Isle of Wight. CONGRATULATIONS to Ben Holdsworth on passing his driving test 17th October 2018 at his 1st attempt with only 3 driving faults. This was a great drive today and demonstrated a high level of ‘safe...

More Fantastic 1st Time passes

More Fantastic 1st Time Passes. CONGRATULATIONS to Anet on passing her driving Test today Tues 18th September 2018 at her 1st attempt with only 3 driving faults. This was an amazing result today and very well deserved. You have been focused most of the time until baby...